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About Us

The Restorative Hearts Ministry is a Christian organization that reaches out to cancer patients and persons with mental wellness concerns by giving restorative talks, conducting cancer and mental wellness restorative groups, providing professional counselling and pastoral care, and doing hospital and home visits.

This ministry collaborates with local churches and Christian groups to provide facilitation training to run cancer and mental wellness restorative groups for cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers as well as persons with mental wellness concerns.

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Venue: Living Hope Evangelism Church (@Toa Payoh North)

The History of

Restorative Hearts


Our First Restorative Talk was held on 18 January  2020.

Attendance: 55 pax

Caring for the Emotional Health

Of Cancer Patients

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Our Vision

To restore the hearts and renew the minds of cancer patients and persons with mental wellness concerns with the love and power of Jesus Christ.

Our Mission

To give restorative talks, conduct cancer and mental wellness restorative groups, provide professional counselling and pastoral care, and doing hospital and home visits to cancer patients and persons with mental wellness concerns.

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God."
2 Corinthians 1:3-4

RHM Advisors 2022

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Dr Lim Yun Chin


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Dr Sim Kang


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Dr Yang Tuck Loong


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Rev Dr Richard Loh


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Dr Leong Wei Shin


RHM Committee 2022

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Ps Robin Png


Teo Chin Kwee

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Tan Ai Ling


Nancy Nguyen


Jenny Lai


Francis Soon

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About RHM Care Pastor

Pastor Robin Png

Robin is the Care Pastor for The Restorative Hearts Ministry.  He was diagnosed with stage 3 nose cancer and acute myeloid leukaemia in 2021 and 2017 respectively. By the grace of God, he was healed and restored to testify of God’s healing and restoration. His prayer is to walk alongside fellow cancer patients, helping them to experience the restorative healing of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  He is also a Registered Counsellor with Singapore Association for Counselling.  He provides professional counselling and pastoral care for persons with mental wellness concerns.

Restorative Group Members

Mental wellness

Jonathan Tay

Francis Soon

Isaac Tan

Luke Pong

Charles Tan

Margaret Goh

Florence Lee

Sherry Tan

Teo Chin Kwee

Karen Tan

Joy Wee

Gwenda Lim

Marie Leong

Cindy Ng

Cancer wellness

Tan Ai Ling 

Nancy Nguyen 

Florence Loh 

Christine Chew 

Teo Chin Hee

Jenny Lai

Chu Lin Sin

Irene Lee

Ezra Mok

Lim Kok Yong

Leong Mun Tin

Michelle Lee


Goh Peck Khim

Florence Lai

Patricia Chng

Tay Lee Noi

Faith Tsing Yuen

Karen Chan

Gek Buay

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